Some river somewhere. Clusters of people standing in the shallow water. High up on a rock a young boy is getting out of his street clothes. Moments later he jumps into the water. There is a resounding crack as he hits a rock. Some people move away from the river in a hurry. Some swim to the boy, who is now still. They bring the body to the bank. The fall has split the face open. Someone pushes up the vest on the body to cover the face. Another pulls the vest down to take a photo.
Yes, this is a WhatsApp video that landed on my phone some days ago. The questions that came up were as disturbing as the video. Imagine. The same setting, the same incident. But there are no instant means to transport images and videos. What then? Would the boy have attempted the stunt? Would those moved away have, instead, rushed towards the boy to try and help? Would the body’s dignity have been preserved and the vest left on the face? Would the hands and minds have shown more haste and concern to dissuade the boy or to save his life, if they were not occupied by devices? Now that being social is easy and instant, has man become more of an animal? Or worse?
AuthorVijayakumar Kotteri Categories
January 2025